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Monday, November 24, 2008

Hide private files in JPEG pictures

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Requirements :
- Winrar
- An jpeg image file
- A file (whatever it is)

Let's say I want to hide a file (secret.pdf) into an image (lisa.jpeg)

* Create a folder on your hard drive, i.e. C:\Hide and put in all of the files that you want to hide into that folder include the image file.

* Now select all of the files that you want to hide, right-click on them, and choose the option to add them to a ".rar" file. Only select the files you want to hide, not the picture.
Name it whatever you want, i,e. “secret.rar”.
* Now you should have a folder that looks something like this with files, a JPG image, and a compressed archive:

* Click on Start, and then click on Run. Type in “CMD” without the quotes and press Enter. You should now see the command prompt window open.
Type in “CD \” to get to the root directory. Then type CD and the directory name that you created, i.e. “CD Hide“.

* Now type in the following line: “copy /b lisa.JPG + secret.rar lisa.jpg” (without quotes) and press Enter.
You'll see this :

The picture file will have been updated with the compressed archive inside! You can actually check the file size of the picture and see that it has increased by the same amount as the size of the archive.

Last, delete the secret.pdf (original file) & secret.rar except lisa.jpg

Two simple ways to access the file :
-change "lisa.jpg" extension to lisa.rar and open the file using winrar.
-right-click on the jpeg file "lisa.jpg" and choose Open With and then scroll down to winrar.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Moving mouse cursor without mouse

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Here's what you could do :

-Log onto your computer with administrative rights.
-To activate this feature, press Alt+Shift+NumLock keys, all at once and you will receive a small MouseKey box.
To keep MouseKeys on, click on Ok button or click on cancel button to cancel MouseKeys box.
Click on Settings button, if you want to adjust the mouse cursor detail settings.

Here a new dialog box will appear with the title "Settings for MouseKeys", now you can manage all mouse settings for example mouse cursor speed, acceleration and some other features.

Now using Numeric keypad, you can move your mouse pointer.
The controls are:

1,2,3,4,6,7,8 and 9 keys are used to move the mouse cursor into different directions.

Key 5 is used as mouse click button.

Insert key used to hold down mouse button.

+ key used to double click on any object.

Delete key used to release the mouse.

NumLock button to disable this keyboard mouse feature.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Increase Windows Shutdown Speed

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Click on start>run>regedit
Navigate to
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\

Find the
WaitToKillAppTimeout value.

Set it to ‘1000′ (the default should be 20000).
Find the
HungAppTimeout value.

Set it to ‘1000′ (the default should be 5000).

Again, stay on regedit,

navigate to
HKEY_USERS\.DEFAULT\Control Panel\Desktop

Find the
WaitToKillAppTimeout value.

Set it to ‘1000′ (the default should be 20000).
Find the
HungAppTimeout value.

Set it to ‘1000′ (the default should be 5000).

Last step
navigate to

Find the

Set value to ‘1000′ (the default should be 20000).

Here we go, it's done.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Solve Slowing Down Desktop

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After installing Internet Explorer 7, ctfmon.exe was causing some random issues and slowing down desktop.
Removed ctfmon.exe and all the issues were resolved.

ctfmon.exe was able to disabled as follows

Go to
Start>Control Panel>Regional and Language Options

Click on
Languages tab>Details>Advanced tab

and then put a check next to
Turn off advanced text service

then hit Apply.

When you hit apply ctfmon.exe will be removed from Task Manager process list permanently.
This will helps anyone else who is having slow desktop issues.

Repeat step will be required when reinstalling any component of Microsoft Office, or Internet Explorer 7.

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Easiest way to check dead links on rapidshare etc

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1. Go to firefox address bar and type :

Click the green "Add to Firefox" button and install Greasemonkey.
Greasemonkey allows you to customize the way a webpage displays using small bits of JavaScript.
After installing Greasemonkey, restart Firefox.

2. Go to firefox address bar and type

Click the green "Add to Firefox" button and install Linkification.
Linkification converts text links into genuine, clickable links.
To view and set options, you can
(1) use the Linkification right-click context menu,
(2) right-click the status bar icon and click "Options", or
(3) click Tools->Extensions, and double-click the Linkification item.
After installing Linkification, again, restart Firefox.

3. Go to Rapidshare Links Checker Script Page

To the upper right, click on the install button.

The Rapidshare Links Checker
Automatically checks rapidshare.com, megaupload.com and filefactory.com links from the page that you are visiting.

The script can check hundreds of rapidshare.com megaupload.com and filefactory.com links in a split of a second (300 links in 0.1 - 0.3 sec and 900 links in 0.5 sec on my ADSL connection).
There is no limit in the number of checked links, you will not be blocked from rapidshare.com even if you check 2000 links at once.
This script is very fast because is checking all the links in batch, not one by one using the original link checker pages of the file host (rapidshare.com megaupload.com and filefactory.com)
When a link is dead the text-decoration of the link is changed to line-through.

Sample of the results :

Additional script (to checks links for rapidshare.de netload.in easy-share.com mediafire.com megashares.com depositfiles.com) :

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Friday, November 21, 2008

5 Easy Steps to Speed Up Firefox Browser

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1. Go to address bar and type "about:config", hit enter.

2. Set "network.http.pipelining" to "true"

3. Set "network.http.proxy.pipelining" to "true"

4. Set "network.http.pipelining.maxrequests" to some number like "30".
It means browser will make 30 requests at once.

5. Right-click anywhere and select New-> Integer.

Name it "nglayout.initialpaint.delay" and set its value to "0".
nglayout.initialpaint.delay is the amount of time the browser waits before it acts on information it receives.

Happy browsing!

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Friday, November 21, 2008

Restart windows without restarting your pc

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Windows Vista :
Select Start, then hover over the right arrow that is to the right of the padlock icon until the pop-up menu appears that contains “restart” as one of it’s choices.
Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the “restart” choice.

Windows XP :
Select Start. Select “Shut Down…”.
Change the drop-down combo box under “What do you want the computer to do?” to “Restart”.
Hold down the SHIFT key while clicking on the “OK” button.

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